Impossible Fibers

The impossible fibers program at Speculative Technologies (spearheaded by Tim McGee) seeks to build general spinning processes that are rapidly adaptable to a wide range of proteins & biopolymers to create fibers that are impossible with existing technology today. Creating high performance protein-based fibers relies on the ability to align and control the molecular assembly of the final fiber as a result of the manufacturing process. Existing scaled methods of fiber manufacturing are either inadequate, or harness high temperatures and harsh chemicals that aren’t suited to a more nuanced protein based system. This is because our current spinning systems are designed for feedstocks (fossil fuels, cellulose) that don’t inherently have self-assembly capabilities that contribute to the their performance, and thus can’t take advantage of protein’s unique capabilities. Impossible Fibers has built a network of exciting emerging technologies and research labs that are forging a new future of fiber creation and performance. We always welcome new conversations, funding, and ideas to move the program forward. Reach out to learn more.